Hi Fellow Olivians!This is a place where you can chat, party, enter contests,meet new friends and many more things.
The creators of this blog are:

♥Fantage Olives 2013♥

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Friday, March 29, 2013


hey guys so im making this blog active again because for a while it became "dormant" and we need writers to post and maybe talk about current events on fantage.

writers can write random things or like fantage-related things and random and entertain.
Reporters will take pics of events on fantage and talk about them.If you would like to be a writer, comment your email below or pc me on the chat!

Najia xoxo


  1. I used to read Fantage JollyRanchers, and I was wondering if I could help write stuff for Olives? c:

  2. Hi! I want to help write on this AWESOME BLOG! I'm a newbie at this blog but not a newbie at bloggin' so I would be so glad if you let me help!

    Contact me by- xdofdaworld@gmail.com
